A Search for Healing

The proceeds from the sale of this book will go towards the work Dr Kumar Jesudasan dedicated his life to: the care of those suffering from Leprosy

The manner in which Kumar converts his painful confrontation with death into a positive and healing experience is told in this warm and loving book by his wife Usha Jesudasan.
I Will Lie Down in Peace

I will Lie Down in Peace
A touching account of how Dr Kumar Jesudasan and his family cope with the confusion, bitterness, pain and loneliness of terminal illness.
The manner in which Kumar converts his painful confrontation with death into a positive and healing experience is told in this warm and loving book by his wife Usha Jesudasan.
Healing is the restoration of the brokenness of life and the recovery of life all around us.
Given today's settings and way of life, how can we develop and nurture giving, sharing hearts that bring healing?
Modern research shows us that there is a link between hard, unforgiving hearts and ill health. We know that holding on to anger and bitterness can cause stomach ulcers, heart attacks, insomnia and a host of other related illnesses which are difficult to treat and cure. We know too that when we forgive, the healing that we experience triggers off a ripple effect of healing for other ailments as well. In life, it is not the big hurts or upsets that cause us to harden our hearts. It is the little ones. We break promises; are disloyal, insensitive to another’s needs; we betray and reject those who depend on us. For all of these things, and more, we need to forgive and be forgiven.