Best Selling Book

Discover the magical journey

These are times when people have forgotten the value of dialoguing with respect for each other. Talking to each other about whatever is the problem, ironing out misunderstandings, making compromises, coming up with a new agenda that pleases everyone, developing a give and take attitude and forgiving mistakes, takes great strength and courage. 

Issues with Healing

ISSUES IN HEALING There are many issues that come to mind when we think of healing …

When you know that gentleness has taken over your work place.

Showing courtesy, being polite and good- mannered, not using abusive language and listening to what the other person has to say diffuses violence immediately. When you are able to do this, then you know that gentleness has taken over your work place.

Healing is the restoration of the brokenness of life and the recovery of life all around us.

The story of

Usha Jesudasan

I am a writer and mother to Jamie, John and Mallika. Much of my working life has been spent at the grassroots bridging the gap between people, cultures and faiths. As a journalist and broadcaster, I have spoken and written for a world wide youth audience on values that shape and achieve harmony in personal and community life.

My travels have taken me to Kenya, Belfast, Cyprus, China, Singapre, Hong Kong, Thailand , Bali, London, Brazil, Israel, Dublin, and most of Western Europe researching and working with people and children who have suffered violence.

Interests : I love writing, being with my children and their friends, cooking, reading, listening to music, being by myself, being hospitable, growing my own vegetables, watching movies.

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Best Selling Books

Best selling books

When Winter Comes...

That We May Be One

I will Lie Down in Peace

A Journey Through Life..

Usha Jesudasan
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To all of you my dear friends and well wishers,

For your presence and kind blessings on the release of my latest book QUESTIONS THAT CHALLENGE US to be held in Chennai on 25th October.

18 Apr




Usha Jesudasan